Donnerstag, 1. Januar 2015

Hello 2015!

Hey folks, a very warm welcome to 2015! I hope all of you are doing well. I have to say sorry for the long break, I rarely posted since the beginning ov november. I got much to do and had hardly time to tangle.

Since a few weeks I participate to a nice small forum named "Musterkritzler" (german for "pattern-doodlers") and I try to figure out what else I can do with pen, paper and some colors maybe. Here are a few things I tried in the last time:

There was a topic of the month called "faces", and this is what I first doodled for it:

Just a few funny little monsters with some pattern around them. And this little girl I doodled at New Year's Eve as a second contribution for the topic:

This one is just a doodle to test the pattern. I found it really recreative like doing a Zentangle:

Today I started 2015 with a new tangle, I will show it later this day.

Kind regards,

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