Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015

Tackle it Tuesday: G-H-I

Hey, here's my tile for the Tackle it Tuesday-challenge with pattern starting with G-H-I. I used these patterns:
  • Groovy by Eden Hunt
  • Hi-Cs by Anita Roby-Lavery
  • Ing by Molly Hollibaugh
When I seemed to be finished I thought it was a bit simple or plain, and I added some black in the center. Then I thought the Ing to be inconspicuous, so I added the bubbles and more black color. And some extra-stripes to Hi-Cs. And some extra swings to Groovy. Then I decided, I'll never really feel it's finished, so I stopped and that's what it looks right now :D

3 Kommentare:

  1. I never heard of your G or H but this is very lovely!!

    ~ Diane Clancy

  2. Beautiful. love your shading and your addition of black.


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