Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Diva-challenge # 207

Here's my tile for the Diva-challenge #207. The topic was to tangle with Unbatz by Sandy Hunter, and I added Shnek by Hanny Waldburger. Both were new to me and I like them :o)


10 Kommentare:

  1. Nice work. Not familiar with Shnek. Is an interesting looking tangle.

  2. Love it. It's nice when two new tangles work so well together. Your Unbatz interpretation is awesome.

  3. your shading is outstanding, I love the pairing in your tile. Well done xx

  4. Great shading and I love the combo.

  5. Wunderschön und sehr elegant! Gefällt mir sehr!

  6. Wow...that shnek looks wonderful with unbatz and your work is so evenly done! Really nice tile!

  7. Ooh, those do go nicely together! Nice contrast and lovely shades of gray!


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