Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Tackle it Tuesday: V-W-X

This is my tile for Tackle it Tuesday with patterns starting with V-W-X. I chose the String 022 and th following patterns:
  • Vache by Geneviève Crabe
  • Viaduct by Wayne Harlow
  • Warped Eggs by Livia Chua
  • Wartz by Geneviève Crabe
  • Windfarm by Margaret Bremner
  • Xtracto by Cindy Angel
And again I chose some new-to-me-patterns, and I loved it to learn them :o)


2 Kommentare:

  1. Really like this tile and your choice of tangles. The balance between , black white and gray is great.

  2. Wunderbar! Sehr schöner 3D-Effekt ... fabelhaft schattiert!
    Liebe Grüße, Annette


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