Donnerstag, 9. Oktober 2014

Diva-challenge # 188: National Coming Out Day

This week the Diva has a special challenge for us. On October 11th the US celebrates the National Coming Out Day and in honour to a 12-years-old boy who wants to support his gay friend we are supposed to tangle something about the LGBT-theme (Lesbians, Gays, Bi-sexual and Transgender) in rainbow-colors or with LGBT as a string. I chose the string-variation and the following patterns:

- Agua by Christina Vandervlist
- Angel Fish by Marizaan van Beek
- Baton by Carola Ohl
- Ing by Molly Hollybaugh

and a rainbow-banner around the letters.

Tangle on!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Great ribbon weaving through your letters!

  2. Like Nat and Kate, I like this ribbon a lot.

  3. Love your Tile, Joya. Very creative the way you made initials using fairly complex Patterns. Of course your Rainbow Ribbon is awesome. Well done.

  4. Oh, das ist toll! Wie schön sich dein Regenbogen-Band um die Buchstaben schlängelt! Wunderbare und sehr creative Idee!

  5. lovely tile - great string and I love that rainbow ribbon

  6. I had to look at it for a minute, and the letters began to come out...nicely done. The rainbow ribbon is wonderful too.


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