Hello everybody, today is Thanksgiving in Canada, and Joey started a suitable challenge for this date. We have to use the following paterns:
Trivet by Nancy Newlin
Half Onions by Livia Chua
Allium by JJ LaBarbera
Nvelope by Alyss Amster
Kuke by Katy Abbott
Sunflower by Anne Marks
I chose a pumpkin-formed string and filled it with the patterns. It was really fun to make this one, even if it's more ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art) than original Zentangle :-)
love the idea of a pumpkin as a string - wish I had thought of it! lovely work.
AntwortenLöschenWhat a cute string idea. :) Lovely tile.
AntwortenLöschenVery nice string for this challenge!
AntwortenLöschenLovely tangled pumpkin? I especially like the way you tangled the stump and leaves. Very cute.