Freitag, 3. Oktober 2014

Joey's challenge # 28: Knyt

Here's my tile for Joey's challenge #28. I used the patterns "Knyt" by Helen Williams and "Featherfall" by Carola Ohl. I never used these patterns and I'm noct very satsfied with both. I added some color to make Knyt brighter. Perhaps I have to get a bit more free in using them, I followed the instructions very straight. The next time I use them I will try some new directions :-)

Have a nice weekend!

4 Kommentare:

  1. Knyt ist mir gar nicht so leicht gefallen, aber Deines sieht toll aus!

    1. Danke schön :-) Kann man denn deine Werke irgendwo sehen?
      LG Joya

  2. I like the way your tangles came out. These are both difficult tangles for me.


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