Sonntag, 5. Oktober 2014

Tackle it Tuesday: Septem B E R

Cheryl from Artful Creations (with the Tackle it Tuesday-challenge) wrote in her actual challenge:

" know there are no mistakes in zentangle. It is supposed to be and R."

This is exactly what I have to learn about tangling. I tried some new elements for the corners and I didn't like it. I wanted to erase it (even though I know I couldn't because I used a permanent pen ;-) ), but then I decided to try something different and I painted the background whole black. I never did this before and I think, I like it better than the abortive thingys before :-)

I used the patterns:
- Brayd by Michele Beauch
- Exis by Jennifer Hohensteiner
- Roscoe by Vicki Bassett

Tangle on!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Wonderful solution to your "error". This is a great tile, I love your Brayd separating the other two tangles.


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