Donnerstag, 4. September 2014

Diva challenge # 183

IT's the first monday of the month, so it's UMT-time at the Diva's weekly challenge what means, we use a tangle-pattern from a normal user. This month it's the pattern "X-Did" by Annette Carlo.

It was difficult for me to make this tile ecause I didn't know what to do with this pattern. So I just started and tangled around and this is what appears :-)

(Does anybody know what the green thingy is representing? Yes, I know, I'm a nerd ;-)

Have a great time and tangle on!

8 Kommentare:

  1. Nice job. Zentangle® is suppose to be about not having a preconceived notion of the end product. You put this into action.

  2. Zauberhaft dieser Garten mit diesem kleien Schmetterling! Gefällt mir sehr!

  3. Joya, you're too cute!! I love the green diamond on top! Doesn't matter what it stands for, it'll bring a lot of really cool conversation! Thank you so much for giving 'X-DID' a try! I love how different your tile is! Great job!!! :0) Annette Share Humanity

  4. I find with new tangle you have to play around with them a long time before you can see the possibilities (or you can cheat and see what other people have done with it). I like the simplicity of this one.

  5. Oh this is so pretty. I love what your have done with X-did and the zingers are great.

  6. Beautiful !
    I love the center pole - so creative. And the drawing as a whole - pure and elegant


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