Samstag, 25. April 2015

Diva-challenge # 214

This one is for the Diva-challenge #214 to celebrate this weeks' Earth Day. At first I drew a circle by hand (once you got the trick to draw round circle which are not looking like wobbly eggs it's easy :) ). Then I colored with some waercolor-pens and added some water with a watertank-brush. After it dried I added the patterns with a black fineliner and shaded it with a black crayon. At least I added some white highlights with a white crayon and a white Sakura Gelly Roll pen. That's it :)

These are the patterns I used:

  • Allium by JJ La Barbera
  • Beelight by Suzanne McNeill
  • Cat-Kin by Mimi Lempart
  • CO2 by Antonine Megger
  • Dust Bunny by Margaret Bremner
  • Erbluehen by Simone Bischoff
  • Fish-Face by Cookie
  • Sand Swirl by Karry Heun
  • Snäylz Trayl by Cookie

Happy Earth-Day :)


4 Kommentare:

  1. A great design and well chosen tangles.

  2. I like your choice of tangles. I especially like your sky.

  3. You did such a great job of making the sky, growing things and water: all coming together to celebrate Earth/Amanda Day! Beautiful work!

  4. Amazing art!

    I love how you separated the sky, the earth and the sea.


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