Freitag, 19. September 2014

String Thing # 58

"It's a String Thing #58" ordered to use String 058 and the following patterns:

Gingham by Margaret Bremner, CZT
Girdy by Karl Stewart
Gothic by Mariet Lustenhouwer
Girlande by Simone Bischoff

I knew Gingham and Gothic before, but Girdy and Girlande were new to me, and so I concentrated to these two patterns. At first I drew Girlande, but when I added Girdy the Girlande got almost unvisible, so I colored it.

Now I can't decide which picture I like more, with or without color:

I enjoyed to discover these new patterns, so thank you Adele for this nice challenge! :-)

Tangle on!

2 Kommentare:

  1. They are both lovely. I think I like the one without color the best.

  2. Großartig! Mir gefallen beide Versionen sehr gut! Gratuliere zur Auszeichnung von Adele!


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