Dienstag, 12. August 2014


Today I finished my bookmark I started a few days ago. The strings I used are my initials in an old german font named "Sütterlin". On the top it's a capital "S" and on the bottom a capital "H". I used different patterns, I hope I can remember all of them :-)

Basket Weave by Cookie
Btl Joos (variation) by Sandy B.
Ciceron by Mariet Lustenhouwer
Cockles 'n Mossels (variation) by Margaret Bremner
Cubine by Zentangle
Eylet + Ribbon by Lori Howe
Jetties by Sandy B.
Printemps by Zentangle
Shattuck by Zentangle

I will laminate it and use it for reading :-)

Have a nice time and tangle on!

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