Donnerstag, 14. August 2014
Diva-Challenge # 180
Hey everybody, this is my contribution to the new weekly "Diva's challenge #180". Every first Monday of a month is calles "Use My Tangle" (UMT), and this time we had to use "MacDee" from the wonderful artist Anneke Van Dam.
The straight lines are hard to do for me, I'm not really exact in drawing straight lines. But I had a lot of fun to do them, and tried to draw a banner for the first time. Next time I wouldn't draw the thick lines with a thick pen but with the thin pen, I think that will be much nicer.
Have a good time and tangle on!
8 Kommentare:
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Fun tile with a great banner!
AntwortenLöschenI like the wavy lines. It looks like soft fabric - nice banner too!
AntwortenLöschenvery nice banner and with one of my favorite colors ;-)
AntwortenLöschenWow! This one is really great!
AntwortenLöschenyour lines are fine - perfectly straight lines are boring and machine like. yours was drawn by an artist. great tile - love the colour too.
AntwortenLöschenWow, what a fantastic banner you have drawn of MacDee!!!! I agree with Kia about the linework.
AntwortenLöschenDas ist großartig! Der Banner ist toll ... super 3D-Effect! Und wieder ist das Rot so schön hier!
AntwortenLöschenThis is gorgeous! The thicker lines are just fine: they "make" the pattern! Straight lines? I fully agree with Kia. Your banner is great!
AntwortenLöschenThank you for your sweet compliment!