Freitag, 29. August 2014

String Thing # 55

This weeks "String Thing"-Challenge was a real challenge for me. I love the string we used (String #055), but I never used "Striped" or the Tangle-enhancer "Sparkle" before. This is what I tangled:

I'm not really satisfied with the sparkle-part, it didn't came out like I wanted it to. But that's ok, if you are planning a Zentangle too much it's not a Zentangle any more, it's called ZIA (Zentangle Inspired Art). I will try the sparkle in another pattern in the next time and see how I can make it look more threedimensional :-)

Have a great time and tangle on!

1 Kommentar:

  1. Your tangle is really very nice. I think you did a good job with the sparkle.


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