Dienstag, 26. August 2014

Diva-Challenge # 182 - Stripes

Horizontal, vertical, diagonal, crossway... this weeks' Diva-Challenge is about stripes. I tried some patterns I never used before:

All about "V" by Ksenija Vojisavljevic
Annee by Sandy Steen Bartholomew
Punzel by Zentangle
Entwine by Molossus
Yuan by Margaret Bremner

I have to train Punzel (Chainging), but it was a lot of fun tangling around with new patterns :-)

Have a nice time and tangle on!

8 Kommentare:

  1. I like your nice rounded stripes and the many directions you have used.

  2. Love your curvy, organic stripes, beautiful tangle choice. Your work is wonderful, great shading!

  3. I love your stripes. The tangle choices are very light and airy. Beautiful job!

  4. Beautiful! Love how you've placed Chaining around a pole! Great choice of tangles.

  5. Oh, das ist einfach toll! Schöne Anordnung der Streifen und sie teilweise auch durchscheinen. Dein Streifen mit Punzel/Chainging gefällt mir den verlängerten Linien ... pfiffige Variante!

  6. Nice tile. I like how you have the stripes going in different directions. Great choice of tangles.

  7. Well done tile with great shading! :)


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