Samstag, 7. November 2015

String Thing # 117

It's time for another String Thing challenge :o) I#M a bit stressed because I'm going to travel to the USA next Tuesday and I have a million things to do before we can start. So tangling is great for me  to calm down!

In this challenge we used a string made by Adele Bruno herself and her new pattern "Sand". As always it was really fun to play with a pattern in a Monotangle.

Love, Joya

Samstag, 24. Oktober 2015

String Thing # 115

This tile I tangled for Adele Bruno's The String Thing #115. We used String 116 and the patterns Fandance, Swarm and Cruffle. I tried to make a smooth transition between Fandance and Swarm at the border, but I'm not satisfied. I will try it next time a bit more smooth :o)

Have a great time!

Daily New Challenge # 218 and # 223

The brilliant german tangleartist LonettA presented the "Daily New Challenge" by CZT Ela Rieger and I tried some of the challenges.

At first I tangled challenge #218 with the patterns Sixtars, Voxter ans Yah:

And a few days later the challenge #223 with Chlips, Diamondz and Hamadox:

I know I can't do challenges every day, but sometimes I will be able to do a challenge and I'm glad I found this beautiful blog :o) Thank you very much LonettA for reporting ♥


Freitag, 16. Oktober 2015

String Thing # 114

I never used this String #114 before, and it was really fun to tangle for The String Thing #114 with these patterns:

Ahh by Zentangle
Ta-Da by Margaret McKerihan
Teenos by Adele Bruno

Thank you Adele for thsi great challenge :o)


Muster-Mixer # 11

Here's my contribution for the Muster-Mixer Challenge #11. The challenge was to mix, merge and / or create a new pattern from these given patterns:

Façade and Crescent Moon, both originally Zentangle patterns.

I love these challenges, they are very recreative and fun :o)


Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2015

Diva-challenge # 239

When I first read the challenge #239 at the Diva's Blog I thought "mh, how boring!". Like her I didn't like the pattern "Munchin" by Molly Hollibaugh, but then I took a look at the video. I wanted to give Munchin a chance and decided to try an acorn-leave-shape (because of the canadian Thanksgiving last weekend), just as a guideline for the points. It turned out very well I think. Next time I will try a shape-free Munchin as recommended in the video :o)

Did you try Munchin once? Do you like it? I'm curious :o)


Samstag, 10. Oktober 2015

String Thing # 113

Huh, time flies... is it really true my last post is that old? I'm sorry, my summer was really busy and I didn't really feel to tangle. And then I saw the String Thing challenge #113 and I knew I had to tangle this! I immediately knew what to do and how to tangle the different patterns. I'm glad to be back in tangling :o)

So these are the patterns I used:

Hollibaugh by Molly Hollibaugh
2-n-5 by Anita Roby-Lavery
Pots-n-pans by Sayantika Ray

with the String 113. Thank you Adele, you inspired me to start again :o)


Samstag, 6. Juni 2015

String Thing # 96

Onomato is always looking like tiny smiling frogs to me :D This is for String Thin #96 and I used String 096 and these patterns:

'Nzeppel, YincutOnomato all by Maria Thomas
Bublz by Lori Byerly

Have a fun time tangling! Love

Mittwoch, 3. Juni 2015

Joey's challenge # 63

Joey's challenge wants us to use String 006 and as many J-tangles we wanted. I used these patterns:

Jajazz by Naney Newlin
Jalousie by Phine
Jingles by Connie Taylor (with an Aura)


Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

String Thing # 92

This is my participation to the String Thing challenge #92. We used the String 098 and these patterns:

ChocoBox by Didier Gervy
Cayke by Rose Brown
Butter by Danae Triantafyllopoulou
Kandy Ribnz by Cheryl Wilson

Have a great time! Love

Dienstag, 5. Mai 2015

Diva-challenge # 215

This week the Diva told us to tangle a Labyrinth, and I used some color. I#m not sure what I like better, with or without color, so I'll show you both variations :o)

I used an own string and I'm sorry, I forgot to write down which patterns I used. I'll try to find them and edit this post.

Have a great week! Love

Montag, 4. Mai 2015

String Thing # 90

This is my first time I tried to make a bubble, I really want to draw them more realistically. The tile is for the String Thing challenge #90 and we used String 090 and these patterns:

Garlic Clove by Jacquelien Bredenoord
Laced by Mary Elizabeth Martin
Lanie by Adele Bruno

Thank you Adele for this great challenge :o)


Samstag, 2. Mai 2015

Muster-Mixer # 6

This is my tile for the Muster-Mixer-challenge #6. We had to mash up and combine the patterns

Xplode by Margaret McKerihan   and
Fife by Molly Hollibaugh

I added some red to highlight the starry structure and I'm pleased how it turned out :o)

Happy tangling!
Love Joya

Samstag, 25. April 2015

String Thing # 89

To celebrate Queen Elizabeth of England's 89th birthday Adele Bruno's String Thing-challenge #89 was to use String 089 and these patterns:

Jeewels by Livia Chua
Jems by Margaret Bremner, CZT
Knightsbridge by Maria Thomas
Queen's Crown by Suzanne McNeill, CZT

Jems and Queen's Crown were new to me and I decided not to use Jeewels as a border-pattern as I usually did but as a space-filling pattern in the middle. King's Crown is such an easy pattern with lots of potential to tangle around with it, I like it :)

Have a great weekend,

Diva-challenge # 214

This one is for the Diva-challenge #214 to celebrate this weeks' Earth Day. At first I drew a circle by hand (once you got the trick to draw round circle which are not looking like wobbly eggs it's easy :) ). Then I colored with some waercolor-pens and added some water with a watertank-brush. After it dried I added the patterns with a black fineliner and shaded it with a black crayon. At least I added some white highlights with a white crayon and a white Sakura Gelly Roll pen. That's it :)

These are the patterns I used:

  • Allium by JJ La Barbera
  • Beelight by Suzanne McNeill
  • Cat-Kin by Mimi Lempart
  • CO2 by Antonine Megger
  • Dust Bunny by Margaret Bremner
  • Erbluehen by Simone Bischoff
  • Fish-Face by Cookie
  • Sand Swirl by Karry Heun
  • Snäylz Trayl by Cookie

Happy Earth-Day :)


Mittwoch, 15. April 2015

Muster-Mixer # 5

This is my last post for today, I promise :) It's my contribution for the german challenge called "Muster-Mixer" by Anya Lothrop. Muster-Mixer means to merge, intertwine or create a new tanglepattern with the two patterns we use. This month we used
  • Luv-A by Sharon Caforio and
  • Ish by Anya Lothrop
I added some color with my felt-pens from Stabilo, watered them with a watertank-brush and a least I used a sakura white-pen to highkight some areas. I tangled and tangled and got into a flow, I can't stop filling the heartshaped Luv-A's :D It was really fun, I'm curious to see se new patterns for may :)

For my german readers:

Dies ist mein letzter Post für heute, versprochen :) Das ist mein Beitrag für die Muster-Mixer-challenge von Anya Lothrop. Muster-Mixer bedeutet man soll zwei Tanglemuster miteinander verschmelzen, ineinander übergehen lassen oder sogar ein ganz neues Muster daraus erfinden. Diesen Monat benutzten wir
  • Luv-A von Sharon Caforio und
  • Ish von Anya Lothrop
Ich habe ein wenig Farbe verwendet mit meinen Stabilo-Filzstiften. Aquarelliert habe ich mit einem Wassertankpinsel und die weißen Highlights sind mit einem Sakura- White-Pen entstanden. Ich war so im Flow das ich nicht aufhören konnte die herzförmigen Luv-As zu füllen :D Es hat riesigen Spaß gemacht und ich bin schon gespannt auf die neuen Muster im nächsten Monat :)


Have a great day,

Diva-Challenges # 212 & 213 and Joey's challenges # 55 & 56

Here are my tiles for the Diva-challenges I tangled. The first one is for challenge #212. It was UMT-time and we should use the pattern "Fanz" by Susan Goetter:

I used:

  • Fanz (of course) by Susan Goetter
  • Meer by Margaret Bremner
  • Hairy by Karen Ann Young

and a free string.

The second tile is a combination of the Diva-challenge #213 and Joey's challenge #56.
For the Diva-challenge we should use Traced Object Strings and I took a spice jar as a string :)
For Joey's challenge we should use these patterns:

Last but not least my contribution for Joey's challenge #55:

We should tangle with

  • Cat-Kin by Mimi Lempart and I added 
  • Tizzy by Hanny Waldburger and 
  • Crescent Moon by Zentangle
I really fell in love with Cat-Kin, it's so soft and nice to tangle with ♥

Keep on tangling!
Love, Joya

Tackle it Tuesday: Y-Z

Now we tangled the whole alphabet and end with Y and Z at the "Tackle it Tuesday-challenge" :)

I used the patterns

  • You Are Here (YAH) by Emily Classon
  • Zanholli by molossus
  • Zinger by Zentangle
  • Zonked by Barbara Finwall

and a free String. YAH was new to me, it's a really funny pattern and I like it :)


Square One: Nipa

I don't participate every challenge every week, but this one ist from the week April 3 through April 9, 2015 with the focus on Nipa (by Sandy Bartholomew) in the Square One: Purely Zentagle-group on Facebook. I added Mumsy (fortuitous also by Sandy Bartholomew) and used a free string.


String Thing # 85 & 86 & 87

Phew, time passes by very quickly the last month. First I catched a cold and then I had lots of stuff to do, so I didn't blog anything. But I tangled a few tiles I'd like to show you, and here are the tiles from Adele Bruno's String Thing-challenges:

This tile is from "The String Thing #85" with String 085:

With these patterns:
Sorry for the dark picture, I forgot my camera at my parent's house and so I had to use my cellphone-cam.

This one's from "The String Thing #86" with a string created by Adele herself:

Used patterns:
  • Well-Mooka-Z by Sharyn Penna
  • Coaster by Carole Ohl
  • CO2 by Antonine Megger
Adele awarded me with "the honor of the week", and I'm proud to get such a great award with all of the wonderful art shown by the other tanglers ♥

The second tile in this challenge is from "The String Thing #87", also with a new string created by Adele:

We used:
  • Loop by Amelie Liao, CZT
  • 'Brella by Bunny Wright, CZT
I'm not very satisfied with that, it's nea but not very creative. But I love grid-patterns, so this was fun :)

Have a great sunny day!

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015

Tackle it Tuesday: V-W-X

This is my tile for Tackle it Tuesday with patterns starting with V-W-X. I chose the String 022 and th following patterns:
  • Vache by Geneviève Crabe
  • Viaduct by Wayne Harlow
  • Warped Eggs by Livia Chua
  • Wartz by Geneviève Crabe
  • Windfarm by Margaret Bremner
  • Xtracto by Cindy Angel
And again I chose some new-to-me-patterns, and I loved it to learn them :o)


Dienstag, 17. März 2015

Combination of Diva # 209 and Joey's

This week I was ill and I decided to add two challenges in one tile. The Diva-challenge #209 was to tangle with the color green and Joey celebrates one year of Tangling with the pattern Rose in a sphere. I'm not very good in drawing or in tangling in a sphere, so I added some black fields. The background is made with a simple felt-tip pen and some water.

Both challenges are celebrating the St. Patrick's Day. Here in germany we don't celebrate it at all, but I saw it in tv-shows like HIMYM and others very often, so I have an idea of what you are doing on that day ;o)

Have a great St. Patrick's Day!

Freitag, 13. März 2015

Tackle it Tuesday: S-T-U

This is my tile for Tackle it Tuesday with patterns starting with S-T-U. I chose the following patterns:
  • Soutache by Lizzie Mayne
  • Steps by Helen Williams
  • Ticking by JJ LaBarbera
  • Torchon Lace by Lori Howe
  • Uncorked by Adele Bruno
I love these challenges, because I'm learning new patterns and I love it to combine copletely different patterns in one tile.


Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

String Thing # 83

Here's my tile for the StringThing #83. We used a new String created by Adele Bruno and these patterns:

Sh'rock by Diane LaChance
Lucky by Adele Bruno

The picture is a bit dark, I wasn't able to take a good one while the weather is so nasty and there's no natural light I can use. I'm sorry for that and I'm craving for sunshine and spring!


Montag, 9. März 2015


I'm in a little cozily german online-art-community we have monthly topics, and the topic in march was "cow/cows". We can use anything we like to play with the topic of the month. I never drew a cow before, so this is my first try. I followed a tutorial to draw this little beauty, and even if she's not perfect I love her :o)


Sonntag, 8. März 2015

Square One: Bunzo

This week in the Square One: Purely Zentangle-group at Facebook we had to tangle with "Bunzo" by Maria Thomas and I added some "Meer" by Margaret Bremner :o)


Samstag, 7. März 2015

Mustermixer # 4

Mustermixer is a monthly challenge at the german blog We should smash or mix the two patterns
  • Mak-Rah-Mee by Shelly Beauch and
  • BTL Joos by Sandy Steen Bartholomew
There are wonderful tangelations linked on the blog, so take a look if you are interested in mixing up patterns :o)


Tackle it Tuesday P-Q-R

This week at Tackle-it-Tuesday's we tangled with patterns starting with P, Q and R. I chose these patterns:

  • Pea Nuckel by Molly Hollibaugh
  • Prestwood by Margaret Bremner
  • Quib by Zentangle
  • Ragz by Christina Vandervlist
  • Revolution by Sandra Chatelain

I like the process of choosing patterns and strings and planning a tile, even if it's not really Zentangle. Sometimes I just want to tangle and other times I want to plan it. I think that's fine if it's fine for me ;o)


Freitag, 6. März 2015

Square One: SeZ

This tile is for the weekly challenge in the Facebook-group "Square One: Purely Zentangle". This week we should use the pattern SeZ by Rick Roberts and I added LonettA's new pattern Eca-Lin. I ike both patterns, although I can't draw neat circles :o)


Donnerstag, 5. März 2015

String Thing # 82

This tile is for Adele Bruno's String Thing-challenge #82. We used String 079 and the following patterns:
It was really challenging to me to combine this string and the patterns, then I decided not to use all of the lines to give Daggerly more space and then it was easy to tangle. Think simple :o)


Dienstag, 3. März 2015

Diva-challenge # 207

Here's my tile for the Diva-challenge #207. The topic was to tangle with Unbatz by Sandy Hunter, and I added Shnek by Hanny Waldburger. Both were new to me and I like them :o)


Joey's challenge # 50

Congratulations to your 50th challenge Joey

This time Joey's challenge was a Monotangle with Vano. I love Vano, it's really relaxing to me since I found out how to draw nearly round circles without any tools but my hand and a pen :o)


Samstag, 28. Februar 2015

Tackle it Tuesday M-N-O

Another Tackle it Tuesday-challenge, this time with patterns starting with M-N-O. I used String 017 and the patterns

  • Munchin by Molly Hollibaugh
  • 'Nzeppel by Maria Thomas
  • Nymph by Melinda Barlow
  • Open wide by Texasdoxiemama
  • Opera by Jane Monk

Some old friends and some new patterns for me. The Nymph remembers me to a Viola, I hope spring is coming soon :o)


Donnerstag, 26. Februar 2015

Tackle it Tuesday J-K-L

We continue with the alphabet-series on the Artful Creations-blog and the Tackle it Tuesday-challenge "J-K-L". I used String 14 and the patterns
All of them were new to me and I espacially loved to tangle with Jalousie and Kofeform.


Mittwoch, 25. Februar 2015

String Thing # 81

Here's my contribution to the String Thing-challenge #81 with the String 082 and the patterns Fassett and Phroz, both by Lynn Mead. I had to be very accurate and the String is very intricate, so I had to think about how to tangle the two patterns for a while. Then I just started anywhere and the tile nearly grew on its own :o) I think it turned out a little like a window of a church, I will try an aquarell-colored background with these patterns :o)


Sonntag, 22. Februar 2015

String Thing # 80

Here's my tile for the String Thing-challenge #80. We should use String 080 and create a Duotangle with the patterns:

Kozy by Marieke van Nimwegen
Inaura by CZT Bunny Wright

They were both new to me and I like them both :o)


Sonntag, 15. Februar 2015

Just for Fun II

It's looking like a retro-tile, but it's only very bad light and the cam of my mobile-phone. I'm sorry for the bad picture, but I wanted to show it before I'm going to London tomorrow for a few days. I'm very excited to go to London, I've never been there and I want to see soooo much, my feets will hurt a lot I guess :o)

In this tile I used no special string and the following patterns:

  • Lyptus by Precious Worker
  • Opus by Maria Thomas
  • 'Nzeppel by Zentangle

Have a great week!

Samstag, 14. Februar 2015

Square One: Huggins

This week's challenge in the Square One: Purely Zentangle-group on Facebook is the pattern "Huggins". In this tile I used the String 089 and these patterns:

  • Huggins by Zentangle
  • Xplode with aura by Margaret McKerihan
  • 'X' by Poppie_60
  • Yuu by Mei Hua Teng
  • Zedbra by Laura Harms and Margaret Bremner

Have a nice wekend,

Valentine-Tangle - Just for Fun

I did this Tangle just for fun, with no special challenge. I used these patterns:

  • Vano by Hanneke Sieben
  • Ansu by Lori Manoogian
  • LG by Adele Bruno

The patterns begin with V-A-L, what a hap it's Valentine's Day today ;o)

Happy Valentine's for all of you!

Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2015

String Thing # 79

It's String Thing-time again and this week we used the String 076 and the following patterns:
I think it's not my best tangle, but I love grid-patterns, so it was a pleasure for me :o)


Mittwoch, 11. Februar 2015

Tackle it Tuesday: G-H-I

Hey, here's my tile for the Tackle it Tuesday-challenge with pattern starting with G-H-I. I used these patterns:
  • Groovy by Eden Hunt
  • Hi-Cs by Anita Roby-Lavery
  • Ing by Molly Hollibaugh
When I seemed to be finished I thought it was a bit simple or plain, and I added some black in the center. Then I thought the Ing to be inconspicuous, so I added the bubbles and more black color. And some extra-stripes to Hi-Cs. And some extra swings to Groovy. Then I decided, I'll never really feel it's finished, so I stopped and that's what it looks right now :D

Tackle it Tuesday: D-E-F

Yes, I'm a bit late with this last weeks' challenge "Tackle it Tuesday: Tangles starting with D-E-F", but I still wanted to do it. I used these tangles:
Now I can start with this weeks' challenge with G-H-I :o)

Have a great evening,
Love, Joya

Dienstag, 10. Februar 2015

Diva-challenge # 204: Valentangle

This week's challenge at Diva's Blog is "to get into the Valentine's Spirit", and I wanted to try a Mandala with some simple patterns from the web and a dice, so I must not decide which element I had to use in the next row. It was relaxing and in the end I decided to use some red, so I got a "Valentangdala" or something like that :o)

(In original it's not that dark, but I couldn't get a better foto, it's still rainy outside here since the weekend.)

Have you all a merry Velantine's day ♥
Love, Joya

Square One / Muster-Mixer # 3

It's my first time trying a "Muster-Mixer" (= to mix or merge two or more Tanglepatterns). The german "Freude mit Zentangle"-Blog (= Fun with Zentangle) started its third challenge with mixing the patterns Cadent and Buttercup. The weekly challenge of the Facebook-group "Square One - Purely Zentangle" is the pattern Well, and I thought it matches to the other ones, so I started to tangle around with these three patterns. It's totally different to my usual tangles, but it was fun to merge the patterns into each other, I will try some other patterns to merge in the next weeks.

Have fun,